
Time for something new!

For about the past month, I have found myself thoroughly entrenched in all things beauty/fashion related through: blogs.

Over the past (Internet-deprived) weekend, standing in front of the glossiness of Allure and Vogue and Cosmo, I found myself thinking, "I'd rather read (insert name of blog)."

While in the past I have tried to write themed blogs (cooking or prizes or cheap shopping - which start during a bored weekend and drop off about a month later), I've decided that this blog will be whatever strikes my fancy: lip gloss one day; dieting another; a discount shopping score, etc. These topics seem lost upon my tech-heavy college friends who read my personal blog. (I don't expect my guy friends to care about lip stain, but I do read about their computers so shouldn't we be considered even?)

Hence, my manifesto:

1. I will only write about what I want to write about what I want to write (this is big: I've been paid to write before, and that money turned me around, got me only writing for money instead of for... well, me!);
2. I will share; and
3. I will not feel like a failure if I miss a week or two.

Welcome back - to me!

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